Life is a cycle as seen in nature.
Birth * Life * Death * Mourning
Each season is bursting with action, reaction, emotions & feelings. Each Stage of our life is worthy of a conscious presence and connection to ourselves and others. Being present and allowing whatever is true to be observed and experienced will offer valuable insight to the current season of your life. And no matter where you are on life’s journey, it is important to remember the journey is yours.
About Robyn
Robyn is a graduate of Lancaster Theological Seminary, earning her Master’s of Divinity in Pastoral Counseling. A board Certified Chaplain, End of Life Educator, Compassionate Bereavement Counselor. She holds additional certifications in Yoga, Meditation, Reiki and The Non-Linear Movement Method a somatic embodiment modality.

Conscious Living

Conscious Dying

Conscious Mourning

How It Works
Conscious Living
Throughout the history of humankind, people have been delving deeper into their conscience to find meaning and purpose of existence. With the right tools and guidance, you can access and integrate your authentic nature into your lived experience.
Conscious Dying
End of Life Doula or Death Doulas provide non-medical, holistic support and comfort to the dying person and their loved ones, which may include education, guidance, as well as emotional, spiritual, and practical care, from as early as initial diagnosis through bereavement? Doulas are the missing link in our care system, helping us to honor death as an integral and sacred part of life.
This is for any woman who yearns for depthful connections. A woman who enjoys getting to know other women on a deeper level than casual conversation. Any woman who loves to walk out in nature open-heartedly connecting to another woman, and herself. We will gather, to walk and talk!
Conscious Mourning: Grief Counseling
Grief is a response to any loss—a deeply emotional, physical, and spiritual necessity, and the price we pay for love. It is not something that will simply go away or be “gotten over.” Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a way of life, grief reflects our connection to what we hold dear.
Mourning is the active process that helps us engage with our grief, and it manifests both inwardly and outwardly. Inwardly, it’s a journey of exploring and embracing your emotions, coming to terms with the depth of your loss. Outwardly, it’s the way we express and share that grief with the world around us—through words, actions, and rituals. Mourning allows us to build the strength to carry our grief, gradually integrating it into a new lived reality. In honoring grief and mourning, we honor the love and the life that lies beneath the loss.
Women Who Walk & Talk™
This is for any woman who yearns for depthful connections. A woman who enjoys getting to know other women on a deeper level than casual conversation. Any woman who loves to walk out in nature open-heartedly connecting to another woman, and herself. We will gather, to walk and talk!