Conscious Living

Conscious: Having knowledge of something, to be aware or mentally and physically awake. 

“There is a saying about intimacy, that goes: “IN TO ME I SEE” Robyn’s work took me there, to an understanding of myself I had never seen before. I never felt judged just loved”. -Jax

Trusted By 1000’s

Throughout the history of humankind, people have been delving deeper into their conscience to find meaning and purpose of existence. Your body resounds with wisdom, intuition, energy, and pleasure. YOU are where Heaven meets Earth, YOU are where spirit becomes Matter, YOU are Word becoming Flesh. Self-Knowledge is the foundation and threshold for deep intimate connections. With the right tools and guidance, you can access and integrate your authentic nature into your lived experience. Whether it is your dark night of the soul or a simple “off route and need recalculating” – with abundant love, respect, and compassion, I am honored to journey with you.


Women Who Gather & Grow


Women Who Walk & Talk™


Spiritual Coaching


Grief & Traumatic Counseling

Women who Gather & Grow

We see ourselves through witnessing others in the world.  In this women’s group we are intentional about personal growth, spiritual intimacy, and emotional well-being.

Women who Walk & Talk™

This is a gathering for any woman who yearns for a more in depth connection to themselves, others, and the overall feminine vibration on the planet. Our “themed” walks vary in location and start times.

Spiritual Coaching

Our bodies are like a miniature universe. There is a joyful communion available in the divine temple of your body.

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Women Who Gather & Grow

We see ourselves through witnessing others in the world. It was my long-awaited desire to create a women’s group that is intentional about personal growth, spiritual intimacy, and emotional well-being. A space where we can laugh, cry, dance, and get down with the truth of who we are both individually and collectively.

The first project took flight in 2021. We traveled together for months receiving soulful nourishment from the practices and the substance of our collective wisdom. We rested under the safety of a conscious sacred covenant of honor and respect. Therefore, we were able to travel to the depths of our hearts where the richest wisdom and infinite source of love lives and experience how each bird soars in her unique & authentic way! These groups run cyclically through the year. All gatherings have a rhythm: embodiment, inquiry, ritual. Each participant will have a soul chat to answer any questions so there is a mutual gifting of understanding & expectation.

Women Who Walk & Talk™

This is for any woman who yearns for depthful connections. A woman who enjoys getting to know other women on a deeper level than casual conversation. Any woman who loves to walk out in nature open-heartedly connecting to another woman, and herself. We will gather, to walk and talk!

We gather, go over some simply rules of engagement, you will then be handed a list of conscious conversation starters and then off we go, walking 30 mins in one direction then 30 minutes back and enjoy the sunset together. My intention is to create community organically. There is NO obligation to exchange contact information after the walk. A real SHOW and GO.

Creating an opportunity for each woman to connect and leave without any obligation. Hopefully you leave with a deeper connection to yourself, others and the overall feminine vibration on our planet. Many women are living in isolated, for a variety of reasons, and having people around doesn’t necessarily prevent isolation. So, JOIN US for a TRUE HAPPY HOUR! Location & Start Times will vary for each “themed” event.

Spiritual Coaching

Spiritual Direction with an embodied twist. Our bodies are like a miniature universe. We need not continue searching outside ourselves for all the mysteries and secrets – we just need to go inward to discover our greatest knowing. Our bodies hold innate wisdom that is often left out of our spiritual connection. By this marriage of spirit, intellect and bodily wisdom, we can restore our vibrancy and radiance to our work, and more importantly, to our authentic selves, living with more balance and harmony with all of who we are. Together, we can bring the sacred to what may otherwise be thought of as mundane. There is a joyful communion available in the divine temple of your body.

Grief & Traumatic Bereavement Counseling (Before, During, After)

Bereavement Grief and Loss Specialist and Companion to the Mourner. Working alongside you to become neurologically aware. We can only hold things for so long before it takes a toll on our entire system. Resistance requires a lot of energy. An honest emotion is enough to get started. To really tease out that all grief is normal but not the same, the manner in which the loss happens directly impacts the grief experience.

As a Bereavement grief and loss specialist who is trained in traumatic grief, I am aware that the manner in which the loss happens will directly impact the grief experience.

Some of the most profound work is to learn how to meet yourself and be with yourself in a new way, since you are forever changed. A compassionate acceptance of who you are now, is some of the most profound and transformational work.

With me, safety is paramount. There is never any judgement about the manner of death, the life lived, or the relationship shared. I guide, never push; but there is a balance, and we move at your pace. I have seen magic happen, perspectives change and lives lived in a more peaceful and authentic given the reality of their loss.

Before the end-of-life education and preparation. During : Vigil Attendance, Chaplain or Spiritual Care. After Funerals, memorials and bereavement care. Join our quarterly grief groups online.