Among the many things that are sacred- our fertile minds, our glowing spirits, our precious bodies, and our tender emotions- there is also our innocence. ”


As I waited with with child like excitement tonight for the pink full moon to make her appearance. My thoughts were all over the place, my mind was jumping from story to story numbers, charts statistics.
Closing my eyes, breathing, praying God have mercy….
Feeling the ground underneath my feet trying to remain steady and calm.
When I opened my eyes.. there she was
big round and pink- I gasped like a child
and was restored through wonder back to my innocence.
There is no amount of intellect, theology, psychology, virology that can fully explain what is happening in this moment of our life. And the only thing that has been able to soothe my soul is the knowing that with the same magnificence that created this Full Stunner of a Pink Moon has ultimately got this day too!

Hopefully by next Full Moon- we can leave our masks at home…. we shall see.🙏🏼🌝💓