Today’s Lesson: 👀 the windows of the Soul!
This morning I had to take my puppy Sunny to the vet :( apparently he has an ear infection).
But, a visit to the vet in this era: was a drive up – drop off- Doc comes to car window to discuss treatment/ findings.
Everyone was gloved and masked. All other cars in line had versions of masks.The one beautiful thing I have been noticing- everyone’s eyes!!
For many years I have led workshops where we practice “ eye gazing” . I feel as if I generally practiced looking into people’s eyes.
But this is something different- it is a deep connection a true Namaste.
As if we are all acknowledging our one ess… we are ALL in this together.
Voices are muffled hand gestures are quieting- and We are looking right into the windows of the souls in front of us!!
I find myself focusing on the eyes during virtual connections too.
Like we are relaxing into or searching for a conscious connection –
Human to Human
Eyes to Eyes
Soul to Soul